Here are a few of the most frequently asked questions. A more extensive range of questions are available in our help section.
Getting started with MD
What is involved in the MD+ onboarding process?
A typical onboarding is a 90 minute session with your lab.
The main items we cover are:
- overview of Mass Dynamics
- deep dive into Discovery service capabilities your lab may be interested in (ie quality control, pathway analysis, statistical methods, knowledge integrations, sharing and collaboration etc)
- future development plans
In addition, we will set up a Demo Experiment that will be shared with your lab. It is annotated with instructions, support assets and contact details of our team.
We aim for our Onboarding process to be straightforward, efficient and enjoyable!
How long will Mass Dynamics take to process my experiment?
It depends! If you are processing an experiment with MaxQuant output text files, your results will be ready in minutes.
If you are using .RAW MS files, your results should be available to you within a day.If we foresee any processing issues, a real human will be in contact to let you know. You can view progress online.
Accounts and pricing
What if I exceed the number of experiments on my subscription plan?
No problems! You can do 1 of 3 things:
1. Purchase more experiments for your subscription plan. The add on packages will be announced soon. Book a session to find out more today
2. Upgrade your subscription to move up to the next plan. (ie move from MD+ Team to MD+ Org)
3. Delete experiments on your current plan to be able to process new experiments
We aim for our Onboarding process to be straightforward, efficient and enjoyable!
What is the difference between MD+ Starter and MD+ Organisation?
The key differences are:
- Number of experiments provisioned
- MD+ Organization includes custom onboarding, a chance for all of your team and collaborators to come together with the Mass Dynamics team to understand key workflows and use cases, and receive custom setup support
- Opportunity to collaborate with Mass Dynamics increases as subscription plan increases
Terms and Policies
Mass Dynamics Pty Ltd ABN 58 630 705 716 (MD) acknowledges the intellectual property rights of third party software components (including open source and free software) incorporated into or relied upon by the MD service.
A full description of Attributions can be found in the Mass Dynamics Help and Resources area.
Security and Compliance
Our Security Policy, detailing measures in place across our infrastructure, application security and data encryption is available on our website. In addition, the policy describes measures in place across Non-Disclosure/Confidentiality and Intellectual Property; as well as documentation and change control are detailed on our website.
A full description of Security Policy can be found in the Mass Dynamics Help and Resources area.
Privacy policy
Our Privacy Policy provides details relating to information we may collect and how we may use and disclose your information.
A full description of our Privacy Policy can be found in the Mass Dynamics Help and Resources area.
Terms of use
Full Terms of Use are detail your access to and use of the Mass Dynamics application ('App’) and any other websites, mobile sites, applications and services on the Mass Dynamics website.
A full description of our Terms can be found in the Mass Dynamics Help and Resources area.
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