We offer a range of pricing options tailored specifically to how your organization needs to access Mass Dynamics, and your team size.
To receive a quote, please fill in the form below and our Sales team will be in contact shortly.
Upload unlimited DIA or DDA pre-processed, quantitative experiments
Create unlimited datasets
All cloud processing and storage costs
All environment management costs
All product updates
1 x Team onboarding session per year
4 x Customer success sessions per year
Basic platform support
All inclusions from MD+ Starter plan, plus:
Custom domain name, segregated environment (
Cross-experiment analyses across all team members’ experiments
2 x Team onboarding sessions per year
6 x Customer success sessions per year
Early access to new features
Priority support
Installation into customer production environment
Co-management of your segregated cloud environment with your IT team
Upload unlimited DIA or DDA pre-processed, quantitative experiments
Create unlimited datasets
Early access to new features
Custom provision for onboarding, customer success sessions, enterprise support
Custom provision for priority projects
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I exceed the experiments on my subscription plan?
No problems! You can do 1 of 3 things:
1. Purchase more experiments for your subscription plan. The add on packages will be announced soon. Book a session to find out more today
2. Upgrade your subscription to move up to the next plan. (ie move from MD+ Team to MD+ Org)
3. Delete experiments on your current plan to be able to process new experiments
What is the difference between MD+ Team and MD+ Organisation?
The key differences are:
- Number of experiments provisioned
- Level of support increases as subscription plan increases
- Level of collaboration increases as subscription plan increases (for example, we typically co-create new features with our MD+ Org members and they get first access to beta features)
Is it possible to have Mass Dynamics run in our organization's own hosting environment?
Yes, there are 3 different ways to access Mass Dynamics, as detailed below:
Options 2 and 3 are available under our Enterprise options. To learn more please contact us.
Read what our customers and members say about us
"Mass Dynamics has enabled us to lift our innovation to the next level.”

Lucy Cao
CSL Limited

"It's clear that Mass Dynamics' first-class team has built a powerful service that has been instrumental in making sense of our mountain of complex data, and driving our commercialisation efforts.”
Peter Pursey
CEO, Executive Chairman
Envision Sciences
“This is the service I have been waiting years for!”

Nishma Gupta
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Bio21
“Mass Dynamics is easy, intuitive, fast and foolproof. I made an account and within 30 minutes had all my projects uploaded and got back high-quality, easy to underestand charts and graphs!”

Chaylen Andolino, Ph.D
Senior Research Associate
Proteomics Core Facility
Purdue University
"I absolutely love the process. Especially the web-based data processing, and the ability to view the results."

Kathir Alagesan
Research Fellow, Griffiths Institute

“As proteomics becomes more common to biomedicine, Mass Dynamics streamlined approach accelerates the introduction to new information. Mass Dynamics is an accessible platform, with informative consultation, and overall great service partners!”

Assist. Prof. Sam Senyo
Principal Investigator
Dept of Physiology and Biophysics
School of Medicine
Case Western Reserve University
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