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Chiara Guerrera, HDR, PhD, IRHC

Head of Necker Proteomics, Paris

When was the moment you fell in love with Mass Spectrometry?

25 years ago during my masters in Naples! After months of affinity purification and northern blots searching for a transcription factor, I finally had the active fraction—but

nothing was visible on the gel using Coomassie staining. Resorting to my first silver-staining (a truly ugly brown gel), magic happened: from the shadow of a band, I got my first MALDI-TOF spectrum. Minutes later, a MASCOT search revealed the protein we sought.

I fell in love—fast, unbiased, precise, and incredibly sensitive! 

What is the best thing that could happen to the field of Mass Spectrometry in 5 years?

I imagine mass spectrometry playing a bigger role in daily healthcare. Already crucial for neonatal screening and bacterial identification, I envision a shift from targeted methods to untargeted whole proteome analysis in clinical settings. By tracking an individual’s proteome over time, mass spectrometry could serve as a biological diary, collecting thousands of proteoforms, to detect deviations from baseline in support of early diagnosis or treatment decisions. Achieving this will require mass spec to become smaller, faster, cheaper, and more user-friendly, as well as advanced informatics tools to integrate omics, clinical data for each patient for personalized care.

What has been the proudest moment in your life science career?

My proudest moment was receiving the Inserm Innovation Award in 2019. In a field where we constantly fight for grants, promotions, and publications, this recognition came as a complete surprise—something I hadn’t sought or even dreamed of. It was a key experience that taught me the values of generosity and humility. It reminded me of the importance of educating young scientists and the impact of unprompted recognition. Today, I feel proud every time someone I’ve trained achieves success. I literally jumped off my seat with joy when a young collaborator won the Best Poster Prize last year!

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