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Diane Weatherspoon

Diane Weatherspoon, M.Sc.

Research Associate, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 

When was the moment you fell in love with Mass Spectrometry?

It was gradual and unexpected. I was doing research in a laboratory that conducted natural product research with the use of mass spectrometry. I originally joined for the plants but as I began to grow as a scientist I realized that analytical chemistry came naturally to me. I switched my focus in the laboratory to learning more about mass spectrometry and I never looked back.

What is the best thing that could happen to the field of Mass Spectrometry in 5 years?

Science wise, I think it would be great to expand the use and creation of different ionization sources. As far as community growth, I would love to see more diversity and inclusion. I thought ASMS Reboot was fantastic, and our community is headed in the right direction but there's so much more that we can do.

What has been the proudest moment in your life science career?

I can't narrow down to a specific moment. My proudest moments have been when I am able to teach students and have an impact on them. Being a mentor and a resource is so important, especially since the learning curve with mass spectrometry is insane. I was fortunate to have several wonderful mentors and I love being able to give back and help guide students.

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