Olga Vvedenskaya
Manager at Spectroswiss Sarl Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland
When was the moment you fell in love with Mass Spectrometry?
I was working on my MD at the University of Pittsburgh, USA, and I have just crossed the ocean and started my work in the lab without any previous experience with mass spec. I was all confused and struggling to manage to work on English language, and felt pretty lost being disconnected from family and friends. One day, under the supervision of my (now the dearest friend of mine) supervisor Dr. Andrew Amoscato, I extracted lipids and ran my first ever LC-MS/MS scan. He then printed the chromatogram with a couple of PC spectras out for me and suggested that I keep it in my book as a symbol of the beginning of my new mass spec journey. Little did I know I would still be in the mass spec field 10 years later.
What is the best thing that could happen to the field of Mass Spectrometry in 5 years?
I keep my fingers crossed for the worldwide clinical application of mass spec. This would expand our knowledge about so many diseases, which, hopefully, will bring us closer to timely diagnosis and treatment.
What has been the proudest moment in your life science career?
Years later after obtaining my PhD from the University of Berlin, Germany, and struggling with not-so-excellent defense, I was very down and had my mass spec hopes almost given up. I then had a chance to visit Dr. Amoscato, and he showed me my thesis printed out and laying on his shelf of the most important things published by family and friends. He said that he was very proud to see what an excellent scientist I became. This was the proudest moment in my career. I guess what shapes us is good things, the support from supervisors and communities, and overall positive feedback. I wish everyone would meet their Dr. Amoscato on their scientific paths.